Well I woke up this morning at 6:30am and got ready to drive my Mom to work since she doesn’t have a car yet. So we’re driving to her job and on the way I’d say about three people almost hit me and my Mom is totally about to freak. The wreck has really made her even more scared about other people driving. So anywho I missed the road I was supposed to turn on. Kind of a crappy morning already. So I drop my Mom of an hop on the toll road and fly home.
I get home in like 15 minutes and turn the news on and see today it’s gonna rain all day just about. So listening to the news I’m checking out a site and see something about old guys and fanny packs and I take a look and find a De-motivational poster of Chuck Norris, Epic Beard Man, and Hulk Hogan all wearing fanny packs and then I watched the viral video of Epic beard man and had a great laugh that amused me all day. If you wanna know what I’m talking about send me a message
Yeah so it rained all day….lol. Odd how the news people are only right about the bad weather. So I’m breaker again today and at my last place it starts lightning and the close the ride and for the last hour of my day I held an umbrella and walked around in the rain. After work I walk to my car through the rivers of the Universal Orlando employee parking lot to my car. On my way out of the parking lot I see one of the guys who work in one of the cafeterias and since it’s pouring I ask him if he needs a ride and he’s more than happy to get out of the rain.
Sorry if my thoughts aren’t running smoothly, I’m on the phone with my Girlfriend and trying to type this too Ok so back to my day, I get home and decide to drive past the house and go to the mail thing at the end of the street and check the mail. I get out get the mail and hop back in the car because it’s still raining. I put the key back in the ignition and turn it and rahh tatatatatatatat, rah tatatatatatata IT WON’T START, again rahh tatatatatatatata, rahh tatatatatatat nothing!!!!! So I get out and preform a true three point turn without power steering and by myself I might add. Then I started pushing my car and hear a van behind and the guy inside asks if I need and help and I say…. yes I said yes. We start pushing the car and get about halfway down the road and I tell him I’ll be okay. I push it to across the street from the house and try again and nothing. I go in yell and holler like all guys do when their cars suck for no reason. Mom gets home from being brought home by a friend and she wants to get pizza and I tell her uhhh.. my car doesn’t work and then she kind of freaks. I’m like I think it’s electrical so I’ll let it sit for a while. So after we order Papa Johns and watch Old Dogs I go out and turn the key and VVVVRRRHHOOOOMMMMMMMM!!! lol sorry I was happy can’t you tell
So I let it run just a bit and come in and tell my Mom and she’s happy too.
After all that I just got out of the shower and I’m on the phone with Liz. Kind of a poopie day but ended up pretty well. Okay time to be done… Ttyl world.
[Via http://kennysirishlife.wordpress.com]
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